Nature & Water Resource Management


Climate Change

2014-11: BMBF-Project NAWAK: Development of sustainable Adaption Strategies

2008-04: Regional Management of Climate Change in the Metropolregion Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen

Discharge of Clear Water

2008-13: Spreading of cleaned Waste Water in the Hamme-Lesum Estuary near Ritterhude

Discharge of Cooling Water

2016-26: Untersuchungen zur Kühlwasserrückkopplung des geplanten Kraftwerksblockes “Song Hau 1” im Mekong Delta bei Can Tho, Vietnam

2007-01: Mixing and Distribution of Cooling Water in the River Elbe and River Schwinge near Power Plant “Stadersand”

2008-01: Mixing and Temperature Distribution of Cooling Water at the Outlet of the Power Plant Dörpen / Ems River

Groundwater Management

2014-11: BMBF-Project NAWAK: Development of sustainable Adaption Strategies

2014-03: Flow measurement and determination of water balances for the „Krickmeere“, the „Wildenkiel“ and the „Grasgehege“

2006-07, 2007-06, 2008-03, 2009-12, 2010-08, 2011-05, 2012-04: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“ (Phase I – VII)


2017-29: Compensation pool „Ahäuser Zuschlag“: Conversion of a stepped bottom ramp made of concrete box profiles into a continuous flat bed glide with gravel fill at the Puchgraben, Niedersächsische Landesforsten


As a consulting and engineering partner for industry, private investors and public institutions, we take care of our clients’ concerns from the design stage to the monitoring of environmental influences after implementation.



2017-34: Water law procedure, Liebenau II, development of the compensation concept in the area of the “Speelsmoor”, Harzwasserwerke GmbH


2017-33: Drilling mud pit Siedenburg II – Preliminary risk assessment, supplementary measurements of water level, discharge and conductivity, Arcadis Germany GmbH


2017-29: Compensation pool „Ahäuser Zuschlag“: Conversion of a stepped bottom ramp made of concrete box profiles into a continuous flat bed glide with gravel fill at the Puchgraben, Niedersächsische Landesforsten, Forstamt Ankum


2017-26: Song Hau Power Plant, Block 1 – Simulation of 3D Fluid Dynamics and Temperature Distribution at Intake/Outfall, measurements to establish boundary conditions, sounding of the riverbed and numerical modelling with Delft3D Flexible Mesh. Envi Con & Plant Engineering GmbH.


2017-22: Setup of Gauges at Ahlhorner Lakes (Water Works „Großenkneten“). Oldenburgisch Ostfriesischer Wasserverband.


2017-21: Numerical simulation of the dispersion of pollutants in the Lac de la Haute Sure reservoir using a three-dimensional hydronumeric mass transport model (phase II), Syndicat des Eaux du Barrage d’Esch sur Sure, Luxemburg


2017-19: Water law procedure „Fuhrberger Feld“: Longterm Simulation of Water Levels and Discharges for the River System of the “Fuhse-Wietze-Wulbeck-Basin” in a coupled Groundwater-Surface-Water Model (Framework Contract). Stadtwerke Hannover AG.


2017-17: Operation of Gauges, Discharges Measurements, hydrological and statistical Analysis and Calculation of Infiltration/Exfiltration for Groundwater Aquifer “Fuhse/Wietze” (Framework Contract). Stadtwerke Hannover AG.


2017-11: Monitoring Wietzen/Holte: Setup and Operation of Gauges and Measurement of Discharges and Water Quality (Framework Contract). Nienburger Geflügelspezialitäten, Zentral Office Oldenburger Geflügelspezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG (Wiesenhof)


2017-07: Operation of Gauges, Discharge Measurements, Monitoring of Conductivity and Calculation of Infiltration/Exfiltration to Rivers and Creeks of the Coastal Aquifer System of the Water Works „Sandeler Möns“ (Framework Contract). Oldenburgisch Ostfriesischer Wasserverband.


2017-03: Operation of Gauges, Discharge Measurements and hydrological Analysis at Creek „Ahlder Bach“ near Water Works „Ahlde” (Framework Contract). Trink- und Abwasserverband Bad Bentheim, Schüttdorf, Salzbergen, Emsbüren.


2017-02: Operation of Gauges, Discharge Measurements and Calculation of Water Balances for the Compensation Pools „Krickmeere/Forest Upjever“ near Schortens, „Wildenkiel/Forest Hochsolling“ near Neuhaus and „Grasgehege“ near Radbruch/Lüneburg“, Kleine Igelriede” near Barrage Thülsfelde and “Ahlhorner Lakes” near Ahlhorn (Framework Contract). Niedersächsische Landesforsten.


Ermittlung der wasserwirtschaftlichen Grundlagen im Wasserrechtsverfahrens des WW Graft in Delmenhorst (Rahmenvertrag). Stadtwerke Demenhorst GmbH.



3D-Strömungsmessungen (ADCP-Messungen) bei Hochwasser am Hochrhein zwischen Konstanz und Basel. SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH & Co. KG.



Untersuchungen zur Kühlwasserrückkopplung des geplanten Kraftwerksblockes Song Hau 1 im Mekong Delta bei Can Tho / Vietnam: Messkampagne zur Ermittlung von Randbedingungen, Peilung der Gewässersohle und CFD-Studie mit Hilfe von Delft3D FM. Envi Con & Plant Engineering GmbH.



Erweiterung des Windparks Karstädt-Blüthen-Premslin: Planung eines Kranichbiotops als CEF-Maßnahme in der Gemarkung Strehlen. Windplan Blüthen-Waterloo GmbH & Co. KG.



Bau und Betrieb von Pegel an den Ahlhorner Teichen im Bereich des WW Großenkneten. Oldenburgisch Ostfriesischer Wasserverband.



Ermittlung von hydraulischen Daten der Vorsperren und der Hauptsperre für den Stausee „Lac de la Haute Sure“. Syndicat des Eaux du Barrage d’Esch sur Sure, Luxemburg.



Wasserrechtsverfahren Fuhrberger Feld: Hydrodynamische Untersuchungen für die Einbindung in das geohydrologische Gutachten (Rahmenvertrag). Stadtwerke Hannover AG.



Betrieb von Pegeln, Abflussmessungen, hydrologische Auswertung und Bestimmung von Infiltrationsmengen im Bereich der WW Fuhrberg und Berkhof (Rahmenvertrag). Stadtwerke Hannover AG.



Aufbau und Betrieb von Pegeln und Abflussmessungen zur Beweissicherung bei Wietzen/Holte (Rahmenvertrag). Nienburger Geflügelspezialitäten, ZNL der Oldenburger Geflügelspezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG (Wiesenhof).



Betrieb von Pegeln, Abflussmessungen, Messung der Leitfähigkeit und Bestimmung von Infiltrations- und Exfiltrationsmengen im Einzugsgebiet des WW Sandeler Möns (Rahmenvertrag). Oldenburgisch Ostfriesischer Wasserverband.



Aufbau und Betrieb eines Pegels, Abflussmessungen und Durchführung synoptischer Aufnahmen am Ahlder Bach für das WW Ahlde (Rahmenvertrag). Trink- und Abwasserverband Bad Bentheim, Schüttdorf, Salzbergen, Emsbüren.



Abflussmessungen und Aufstellung von Wasserbilanzen für die „Krickmeere“ im Forst Upjever bei Schortens, den „Wildenkiel“ bei Neuhaus im Hochsolling, das „Grasgehege“ bei Radbruch“ bei Lüneburg, „Kleine Igelriede“ an der Thülsfelder Talsperre und „Ahlhorner Teiche“ bei Ahlhorn. Niedersächsische Landesforsten.

2015-25: Water law procedure „Fuhrberger Feld“: Longterm Simulation of Water Levels and Discharges for the River System of the “Fuhse-Wietze-Wulbeck-Basin” in a coupled Groundwater-Surface-Water Model (Framework Contract). Stadtwerke Hannover AG.


2015-24: Water law procedure „Burgdorfer Holz“: Additional hydrological Investigations for the River „Seebeeke“ to optimize Groundwater Management and available Water Resources. Wasserverband Peine.


2015-16: Monitoring Wietzen/Holte: Setup and Operation of Gauges and Measurement of Discharges (Framework Contract). Nienburger Geflügelspezialitäten, Zentral Office Oldenburger Geflügelspezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG (Wiesenhof).


2015-11: Measurement of Water Levels, Discharges and River Cross Sections to setup and calibrate a Groundwater Model for the Aquifer System of the Water Works “Haselünne”. Trink- und Abwasserverband „Bourtanger Moor“


2015-10: Extension of the Wind Farm „Karstädt-Blüthen-Premslin“: Design of a Crane Habitat near Strehlen (Compensation Measure). Windplan Blüthen-Waterloo GmbH & Co. KG.


2015-07: Operation of Gauges, Measurement of Discharges and Conductivity and Calculation of Infiltration/Exfiltration to the Coastal Aquifer of the Water Works „Sandeler Möns“ (Framework Contract). Oldenburgisch Ostfriesischer Wasserverband.


2015-03: Operation of Gauges, Discharge Measurements and Calculation of Water Balances for the Compensation Pools „Krickmeere/Forest Upjever“ near Schortens, „Wildenkiel/Forest Hochsolling“ near Neuhaus and „Grasgehege“ near Radbruch/Lüneburg“, Kleine Igelriede” near Barrage Thülsfelde and “Ahlhorner Lakes” near Ahlhorn (Framework Contract). Niedersächsische Landesforsten.

2014-24: Operation of Gauges, Discharge Measurements and hydrological Analysis for the Water Works „Ahlhorn /Denghauser Mühlbach“ (Framework Contract). Agrarfrost GmbH & Co. KG.


2014-18: Measurement of Water Levels and Discharges in Rivers and Creeks to setup and calibrate a Groundwater Model for the Aquifer System of the Water Works “Haren”. Trink- und Abwasserverband „Bourtanger Moor“


2014-16: Monitoring Industrial Area „Große Schneede“: Operation of Gauges, Discharge Measurements and hydrological Analysis at „”Ochsenmoorgraben“ (Framework Contract). Stadt Walsrode.


2014-14: Measurement of Water Levels and Discharges in Rivers and Creeks to Setup a Groundwater Model for the Aquifer System of the Water Works „Haselünne“. Trink- und Abwasserverband „Bourtanger Moor“


2014-11: Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Project NAWAK: Measurement of Water Levels and Discharges to calculate Infiltration/Exfiltration to the Coastal Aquifer of the Water Works „Sandeler Möns“, Monitoring of Conductivity and Setup a Modeling Framework for the River System. Oldenburgisch Ostfriesischer Wasserverband.


2014-04: Calculation of Mass Balances for the Feasibility Study „Re-Connection of the Wrauster Meander to the River Elbe”. Stiftung Lebensraum Elbe e.V.


2014-03: Operation of Gauges, Discharge Measurements and Calculation of Water Balances for the Compensation Pools „Krickmeere/Forest Upjever“ near Schortens, „Wildenkiel/Forest Hochsolling“ near Neuhaus and „Grasgehege“ near Radbruch/Lüneburg“ (Framework Contract). Niedersächsische Landesforsten.

2013-11: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“– Phase VIII: Implementation of privileged Measures. Stadtwerke Hannover AG.PDF

2013-04: ADCP Measurements at three pre-evaluated Sites for an In-Stream River Turbine at the River Nile / Uganda downstream Haven Falls. KSB AG.

2013-02: Feasibility Study for the Revitalization of Wrauster Bogen at the River Elbe downstream Geesthacht – Setup of a hydrodynamic 3D Model and Optimization of different Alternatives. Stiftung Lebensraum Elbe e.V.

2013-01: Compensation Pool „Nienburger Bruch“: Feasibility Study for a Revitalization of „Bärenfallgraben“. Lower Saxony State Forests.

2012-04: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“– Phase VII: Implementation of privileged Measures. Stadtwerke Hannover AG.PDF

2012-02: Evaluation of potential Sites for an In-Stream River Turbine at the River Nile / Uganda downstream Jinja near Haven Falls. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

2011-05: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“– Phase VI: Implementation of privileged Measures. Stadtwerke Hannover AG.PDF

2010-14: Variation of Water Levels after Revitalization of River Banks at the River Eiter between Holschenböhl and L331. Mittelweserverband.

2010-12: Transport and Drift of Fish Spawn in the River Elbe. DOW Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH und E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH.PDF

2010-10: Wetland “Michelsweg” near Nienhagen. Ingenieurbüro Baarck.

2010-08: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“– Phase V: Implementation of privileged Measures. Enercity AG.PDF

2010-05: Industrial Power Plant of DOW Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH at Stade/Bützfleth – Hydrodynamic Effects and Impact on Sediment Transport – „Raumordnungsverfahren“. DOW Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH.

2009-12: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“– Phase IV: Implementation of privileged Measures. Enercity AG.PDF

2009-09: Agricultural Council of Lower Saxony.

2009-02: Variation of Water Levels in the River Hengstbeeke after Extension of Sewage Plant Burgwedel. City of Burgwedel.

2008-13: Spreading of cleaned Waste Water in the Hamme-Lesum Estuary near Ritterhude. Public Services Osterholz-Scharmbeck GmbH. PDF

2008-09: Masterplan „River Wietze“. Unterhaltungsverbandes Nr. 46 „Wietze“.

2008-08: Redirection of Waste Water Treatment Plants Engensen, Thönse, Wettmar to the Waste Water Treatment Plant Burgwedel – Influences on Water Levels of Hengstbeeke, Wulbeck and Burgwedel – Masterplan “Waste Water Treatment Burgwedel”. City of Burgwedel.

2008-05: Influence of a Redirection of Discharges from the Waste Water Treatment Plant Wettmar on Water Levels in Trunnenmoor. City of Burgwedel.

2008-04: Regional Management of Climate Change in the Metropolregion Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen. Enercity AG and German Ministry of Education and Research.PDF

2008-03: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“– Phase III: Implementation of privileged Measures. Wasserverband Peine.PDF

2008-01: Mixing and Temperature Distribution of Cooling Water at the Outlet of the Power Plant Dörpen / Ems River. BKW FMB Energie AG/Bern and ENBW AG/Stuttgart. PDF

2007-06: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“ – Phase II: Transient Simulation of Measures. Wasserverband Peine.PDF

2007-01: Mixing and Distribution of Cooling Water in the River Elbe and River Schwinge near Power Plant Stadersand. E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH.PDF

2006-07: Operational Monitoring and Integrated Operation of Pumping from the Groundwater System „Fuhse-Wietze“– Phase I: Development of Measures. Wasserverband Peine.PDF

2006-05: Revitalization and Dewatering River Banks of the River Wietze near Langenhagen – Simulation of Water Levels and Monitoring of Surface Water Levels, Discharges and Groundwater Levels. Stadt Langenhagen.

2006-02: Discharge Capacity of the Outlet System at Purification Plant „Thönse”. City of Burgwedel.

2005-04: Intensity and Distribution of Rainfall at Flaesheim/Arenbergstraße / 02.05.1998. Landesbetrieb Straßenbau Nordrhein-Westfalen.


2005-02: Protection of National Parks (GR-Gebiet) „Hammeniederung“ – Implementation of Measures for Biodiversity – „Breites Wasser“ and „Altarme“. County of Osterholz-Scharmbeck.


2000-01: Influence of Sand and Gravel Exploration on Floods in the River Leine near Schlickum – Schulenberg. Ingenieurbüro Dr.-Ing V. Patzold.