Rivers & Lakes



2016-26: Song Hau Power Plant, Block 1 – Simulation of 3D Fluid Dynamics and Temperature Distribution at Intake/Outfall

2015-27: Echo Sounding, Measurement of Water Levels, ADCP Current Measurements and Setup a Water Balance for the Barrage „Lac de la Haute Sure“ (Phase I)

2003-01: Scour Protection for TOMBIA – Bridge at NUN River / Nigeria

2005-07: River Bed / Shore Protection for Gbaran / Ubie Plant at Nun River / Nigeria

Flood Control & Management

2004-01: Feasibility Study for Sustainable and Efficient Flood Management of the River Aller

2005-05: Simulation of Flood Levels at the River Aller between Flettmar and Weir Celle.

Container Transport & Logistics

2001-01: Possibilities and Economic Perspectives for a Containerterminal in Minden

Preservation of Evidence

2016-31: Determination of the scientific background of the available water resources for the Water law procedure procedure for the Water Works Graft, Delmenhorst

2016-30: 3D-flow measurements (ADCP) during a flood event ant the upper River Rhine between Constance-DE und Basel-CH

Revitalization of Rivers, Streams and Lakes

2014-02: Monitoring and preservation of evidence for four excavated lakes

2008-09: Masterplan „River Wietze“


With our 15 years of experience with partners and clients in the industry and in the public sector we can offer tailor-made solutions for your problems.



2017-32: Extension of the A27park Walsrode, estimation of groundwater recharge by measuring the runoff from the existing drainage system, City of Walsrode


2017-31: Extraction and analysis of water samples at various groundwater measuring points at the Thönse excavated lake, JRS GmbH & ENGE Kies & Recycling GmbH & Co KG


2017-30: Echo sounding of the bank and parts of the Kaltenweide excavated lake, Survey Office Mentz


2017-29: Compensation pool „Ahäuser Zuschlag“: Conversion of a stepped bottom ramp made of concrete box profiles into a continuous flat bed glide with gravel fill at the Puchgraben, Niedersächsische Landesforsten, Forstamt Ankum


2017-27: Simulation of the water levels at the River Welse for a 100-year flood with Delft3D Flexible Mesh. NLWKN Betriebsstelle Brake-Oldenburg.


2017-25: Sounding of the excavated lakes Hastrasee / Langenhagen, Wegeleben and Ringelheim. Hermann Wegener GmbH & Co. KG.


2017-24: Song Hau Power Plant, Block 1 – Simulation of 3D Fluid Dynamics and Temperature Distribution at Intake/Outfall, measurements to establish boundary conditions, sounding of the riverbed and numerical modelling with Delft3D Flexible Mesh. Envi Con & Plant Engineering GmbH.


2017-21: Numerical simulation of the dispersion of pollutants in the Lac de la Haute Sure reservoir using a three-dimensional hydronumeric mass transport model (phase II), Syndicat des Eaux du Barrage d’Esch sur Sure, Luxemburg.


2017-12: Echo Sounding excavating lake „Immensen“ (Framework Contract). Gustav Lehmann Mörtel-, Sand- und Kieswerke GmbH.


2017-04: Monitoring of several excavating lakes at Steinwedel, Aligse and Röddensen (Framework Contract). ENGE Kies- und Recycling GmbH & Co. KG.


2017-01: Monitoring of Groundwater Levels; Water Quality and Echo Sounding of excavating lakes „Engensen”, “Kohlshorn”, “Ramlingen” and “Wackerwinkel” (Framework Contract). Löffler Sand- und Kieswerke GmbH.

2016-13: Echo Sounding Mining Pit „Immensen“ (Framework Contract). Gustav Lehmann Mörtel-, Sand- und Kieswerke GmbH.


2016-05: Monitoring of several Mining Pits at Steinwedel, Aligse and Röddensen (Framework Contract). ENGE Kies- und Recycling GmbH & Co. KG.


2016-02: Monitoring of Groundwater Levels; Water Quality and Echo Sounding of Mining Pits „Engensen”, “Kohlshorn”, “Ramlingen” and “Wackerwinkel” (Framework Contract). Löffler Sand- und Kieswerke GmbH.

2015-28: Setup of Gauges at Ahlhorner Lakes (Water Works „Großenkneten“). Oldenburgisch Ostfriesischer Wasserverband.


2015-27: Echo Sounding, Measurement of Water Levels, ADCP Current Measurements and Setup a Water Balance for the Barrage „Lac de la Haute Sure“. Syndicat des Eaux du Barrage d’Esch sur Sure, Luxemburg.


2015-17: Echo Sounding Mining Pit „Immensen“ (Framework Contract). Gustav Lehmann Mörtel-, Sand- und Kieswerke GmbH.


2015-08: Echo Sounding of the Mining Pit „Schliekum“. Hermann Wegener GmbH & Co. KG.


2015-05: Monitoring of several Mining Pits at Steinwedel, Aligse and Röddensen (Framework Contract). ENGE Kies- und Recycling GmbH & Co. KG.

2014-15: Measurement Campaigns in Dry and Rainy Season (Echo Sounding, Water Levels, Discharges by ADCP, Sediment Diameters) and Setup, Calibration and Operation of a 3D Sediment Transport Model (DELFT3D) to calculate Scour near Bridge Pears of the 2nd River Niger Bridge in Asaba-Onitsha/Nigeria –Phase II – „Incremental Concrete Launching Bridge“. Julius Berger International GmbH.


2014-12: Echo Sounding of the Mining Pit „Wietzesee“. Hermann Wegener GmbH & Co. KG.


2014-08: Setup of a 3D hydronumerical Model (DELFT 3D) and Simulation of Scour near Bridge Piers of the 2nd River Niger Bridge in Asaba-Onitsha/Nigeria –Phase II – „Incremental Concrete Launching Bridge“. Julius Berger International GmbH.


2014-06: Monitoring of several Mining Pits at Steinwedel, Aligse and Röddensen (Framework Contract). ENGE Kies- und Recycling GmbH & Co. KG.


2014-02: Monitoring of Groundwater Levels; Water Quality and Echo Sounding of Mining Pits „Engensen”, “Kohlshorn”, “Ramlingen” and “Wackerwinkel” (Framework Contract). Löffler Sand- und Kieswerke GmbH.

2013-12: Simulation of Water Levels and Current Velocities for different Extreme Events and Design of Protection Measures for Abutments, Revetments, Bridge Foundations and Ramps at 2nd River Niger Bridge in Asaba-Onitsha/Nigeria. Julius Berger International GmbH.


2013-06: Setup of a hydronumerical 3D Model (DELFT 3D) and Simulation of Bridge Scour for the 2nd River Niger Bridge at Asaba-Onitsha/Nigeria. Julius Berger International GmbH.


2013-02: Feasibility Study for the Revitalization of Wrauster Bogen at the River Elbe downstream Geesthacht – Setup of a hydrodynamic 3D Model and Optimization of different Alternatives. Stiftung Lebensraum Elbe e.V.


2013-01: Compensation Pool „Nienburger Bruch“: Feasibility Study for a Revitalization of „Bärenfallgraben“. Lower Saxony State Forests.

2012-05: River Bed and Shore Protection for Sagbama at Forcados River / Nigeria – Prestudy with Preliminary Data. Julius Berger International GmbH.


2012-02: Evaluation of potential Sites for an In-Stream River Turbine at the River Nile / Uganda downstream Jinja near Haven Falls. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

2011-07: Alternatives for River Bed Development at the River „Seebeck“ near Well III. Wasserversorgungsverband Landkreis Fallingbostel.

2010-15: Optimization of Drainage and Weir Operation for the Flood Polder „Klein Ilsede“. Unterhaltungsverband „Obere Fuhse“.


2010-14: Variation of Water Levels after Revitalization of River Banks at the River Eiter between Holschenböhl and L331. Mittelweserverband.


2010-03: Report on Impacts of an intense Rainfall at the Crossing of B226 / DB Bochum-Langendreer/Witten at 07/21/2003. Westfälische Provinzial Versicherung AG.


2010-01: Impact of the Sewage Plant Wettmar on Water Levels at Hengstbeeke – Monitoring and hydrodynamic Simulation. City of Burgwedel.

2009-13: Flood Risk (HQ100-Event) at Eschbach, Bargeriede, Kienmoorgraben, Aldorfer Bach, Flöthe, Streekfleet and Uchter Mühlenbach. NLWKN, Office Sulingen.


2009-11: Consultancy for the Implementation of River Information Services in Inland Navigation. Kisters AG.


2009-01: Flood Risk (HQ100-Event) at Flachsbäke, Randgraben, Huntloser Bach, Dünsener Bach, Heidkruger Bäke, Berne, Kimmer Bäke and Welse. NLWKN – Office Oldenburg.

2008-15: Risk Potential of a HQ100-Flood in the River Aller near Winsen/Aller. City of Winsen/Aller.


2008-14: Risk Potential of a HQ100 Flood in the River Aller near Hambühren. Gemeinde Hambühren.


2008-11: Simulation of Currents and Water Levels for a Revitalization of a meandering Scretch of the River Wietze near Langenhagen / Wietze Park. Community of Isernhagen.

2007-07: Water Levels and Discharges at Ehlbeekgraben – Phase I. City of Burgwedel.

2006-11: Calculation of Flood Levels at the River Wietze. Region Hannover.


2006-08: Simulation of Flood Levels in the River Weser – Identification of potential Risk. County of Nienburg/Weser.

2005-07: River Bed / Shore Protection for Gbaran / Ubie Plant at Nun River / Nigeria. Bilfinger & Berger Bauaktiengesellschaft, Auslandsbereich HNL-Nigeria.PDF


2005-05: Simulation of Flood Levels at the River Aller between Flettmar and Weir Celle. Regional Administration of Lüneburg.


2005-03: Discharge Capacity of the River Hamme. Wasser- und Bodenverband Teufelsmoor.


2004-06: Evaluation of the Report “Flood Protection for Celle Region”: Rahmenentwurf der Stadt Celle, Teil I: Gesamtplanung und Teil II: Hydraulische Berechnung in der 11. Ausfertigung vom Februar 2002. Administrations of Flotwedel, Hambühren, Winsen/Aller and Wietze.


2004-05: Reasons for Flood Risks and Damages in „Südohe Winsen (Aller), Bebauungsplan Nr. 9. City of Winsen/Aller.


2004-04: Flood Plain Estimation and Runoff Capacity at Südohe and Westohe. City of Winsen/Aller.


2004-03: Hydraulic Engineering for two Bridges crossing the River Wietze. City of Langenhagen.


2004-02: Evaluation of the Report “Flood Protection for Region Celle”: 1. Planfeststellungsabschnitt von Boye bis zur Fuhsemündung, Teil I: Gesamtplanung und Teil II: Hydraulische Berechnung in der 4. Ausfertigung vom August 2003. Administrations of Flotwedel, Hambühren, Winsen/Aller and Wietze.


2004-01: Feasibility Study for Sustainable and Efficient Flood Management of the River Aller. Administrations of Flotwedel, Hambühren, Winsen/Aller and Wietze.



Scour Protection for TOMBIA – Bridge at NUN River / Nigeria. Bilfinger & Berger Bauaktienge-sellschaft, Auslandsbereich HNL-Nigeria.PDF


2001-02: Measures against Sedimentation in the Branch Roheide of the River Ems. City of Meppen.


2001-01: Possibilities and Economic Perspectives for a Containerterminal in Minden. Mindener Versorgungs- und Verkehrs GmbH.

2000-01: Influence of Sand and Gravel Exploration on Floods in the River Leine near Schlickum – Schulenberg. Ingenieurbüro Dr.-Ing V. Patzold.
